Amazing Things About Indian Food
Whenever we imagine Indian food, the words such as hot, spicy, oily, fatty, and heavy come to our mind right away. Just like many other people perhaps you also chew over it as variety, interesting flavours, trendy, etc. No matter, what image you instantly create when we talk about Indian food, one thing that is not likely to come to your mind is real species. These spices are very much used in Indian cuisine and are in fact essential for your wellbeing.
Well, here, we have highlighted some similar interesting things about Indian food that you might not be aware of up till now. So, have a quick look:
Indian Food is Good For Your Health
There is no doubt in that Indian gastronomy comprises the most incredible series of fresh veggies & fruits prepared using different methods. This is because it helps maintain their freshness and nutrients. For your information, a lot of cooking practices are likely to make veggies & nutrients to drop their health advantages, but it is not like with Indian cooking. And so, it lets you enjoy their health paybacks in a more pleasant way than their original form.
Terrain of Spices
It’s also a fact that fairly acknowledged as the ‘terrain of spices’, India is the major manufacturer of spices in the world. This country turns out more than seven percent of the world’s spices and also accommodates an elevated range of spices in the world.
Indian Food Has 6 Different Taste Varieties
If you think Indian food is just about spicy flavour, then sorry to say you are absolutely wrong here and you need to think again! Almost every Indian cuisine comes with 6 primary tastes, i.e. sweet, salty, sour, spicy, bitter, and astringent.
Remarkable Staple Diet
Many people don’t know but citizens of India have been producing and consuming the similar types of grains as well as legumes for thousands of years. In addition to this, staple food items of this age and day including lentils, whole-wheat flour, rice, etc. are considered to have been a part of the Indian diet from more or less 6,000 B.C.E.
Vegetarian or Non-Vegetarian
Did you know that India has 2nd lowest rates of meat consumption per person in the world? Yes, that is true and yet a large majority of people are not vegetarian, as generally said. Studies prove that merely 29% Indians pursue a vegetarian diet.
Strongly Hottest Chilli Are Found Here:
It is said that India produces one of the world’s hottest chillies and here this is approximately four hundred times hotter than Tabasco sauce. These chillies are cultivated in different Indian states including Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Nagaland, and Manipur.
It’s about 3 Different Types of Food
In line with the Ayurveda, India’s earliest medical system, we’ve 3 various types of foods – Satvic, Rajasic and Tamasic. Satvic cuisine consists of natural and least processed foods like vegetables. They have an optimistic, soothing and purifying effect on the body as well as mind. Rajasic food, on the other hand, is highly spiced, greasy, salty or bitter and constrains aspiration, competition and egocentric quests. And if we talk about the tamasic food, it is usually excessively processed, toxic, hard to digest, and negatively influences our mind and body.
Apart from the above, you would also be amazed to know that it is in this country only that the making of sugar from sugarcane juice basically started. It turned out to be an extensive custom by the fifth century C.E. And after that it was locally identified as ‘khanda’ that is the source of English phrase ‘Candy’.
How did you find these facts about Indian food? Please do share your thoughts with us in the comment box below!