Essential Oils for High Blood Pressure | DietZones
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Essential Oils for High Blood Pressure

Essential Oils for High Blood Pressure


The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has concluded that approximately 30 percent of Americans have high blood pressure, also called hypertension. It is responsible for severe health complications viz. Heart failure, cognitive decline, kidney damage, etc. Globally, more than 1 billion people suffer from high blood pressure. The number of people suffering from hypertension and related problems has doubled in the last four decades. High blood pressure is to be blamed for nearly 13 percent of deaths around the world. The increasing number of cases is due to the prominence of the modern lifestyle. This lifestyle created menace requires a powerful and effective solution.

Essential Oils for High Blood Pressure

Essential oils promise a safe and natural way to treat cases of high blood pressure. These oils have an aromatherapy effect that is known to lower high blood pressure.

How do Essential Oils work?

A 2006 study on people suffering from high blood pressure has shown a significant effect in lowering blood pressure with the use of Essential Oils. These Oils can lower the Cortisol levels in the body. The Cortisol hormone is in charge of managing stress and anxiety. Essential Oils control the excess release of this hormone leading to lower blood pressure.

An important thing to note here is that the use of Essential Oils must not be for a prolonged period. It is safe to expose your body for an hour at a stretch. It is still very early to document all the positive effects of Essential Oils in treating high blood pressure. Hence, one should not substitute them for prescribed medication. The results may vary from one individual to another and also depends on the type of Essential Oils being used.

Essential Oils are plant oils that are obtained through fractionation or distillation. These are highly concentrated liquids. They can be extracted from leaves, bark, and roots of the plants.

Essential Oils for High Blood Pressure

Here Is A List Of Best Essential Oils For Lowering Blood Pressure:

●  Ylang Ylang

This is an excellent Essential Oil to relieve stress and anxiety. It is collected from the Ylang Ylang flower.

●  Lavender

This refreshing oil has a floral scent and is known to ease your nerves.

●  Lemon Balm

The regular use of Lemon Balm Essential Oil is a great defense against heart palpitations, tachycardia, and strokes.

●  Marjoram

The sweet-smelling Marjoram Oil is believed to dilate blood vessels and lower blood pressure.

●   Valerian

Valerian Essential Oil has strong sedative effects. It has a direct influence on your nervous system. It is said that it can also treat cases of insomnia.

These days you get plenty of options available when it comes to choosing Essential Oils. Cedarwood, Bergamot, Citronella, Clary Sage, Frankincense, Helichrysum, Jasmine, Rose, Lime, Neroli, etc. are all very functional in handling high blood pressure.

How to use Essential Oils?

Essential Oils are highly concentrated solutions. It is advised to use them over a carrier oil. They should be mixed in very small quantities in other oils before applying. There are three different ways to use Essential Oils.

1. Essential Oils for Massage

Mix the following ingredients together to curate the ideal massage oil.

●    10 drops of lavender Essential oil

●    7 drops of Ylang Ylang Essential oil

●    5 drops of sweet marjoram Essential oil

●    1 drop of neroli Essential oil

●    2 oz. of Almond oil

Essential Oils for High Blood Pressure

2.  Essential Oils for Diffuser

Mix the following ingredients in equal proportions to get a spa-like ambiance at home.

●     3 drops of bergamot Essential oil

●     3 drops of lavender Essential oil

●     3 drops of Ylang Ylang Essential oil

Essential Oils for High Blood Pressure

3.     Essential Oils for Lotion

Mix the following Essential Oils in some coconut oil to engineer a healthy lotion recipe.

●    5 drops of lavender Essential oil

●    5 drops of clary sage Essential oil

●    5 drops of frankincense Essential oil

●    2 oz. of coconut oil

Essential Oils for High Blood PressureThe health benefits of using Essential Oils are plentiful. However, due to the limited research availableEssential Oils for High Blood Pressure, it is recommended not to treat them as an alternative to medications.

Author: Sunita

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