Is It Worth Getting Breast Implants?
In the world of today medicine, nearly any desired look can be achieved via plastic surgery. The options seem endless and one of them is certainly so - called breast augmentation or breast implants - its high demand has persisted for years. It can be done for various reasons e.g. simply increasing the fullness and projection of one’s breasts or improving the breast - hip balance. The effects can be stunning but many may wonder beforehand: “is it worth the hassle?”. You will find the answer to this question as well as other tips for patients undergoing this procedure in this article.
First off, what types of breast implants are there?
There are diverse kinds of breast implants available to choose from - which one will be used depends on the personal goals and expectations. On the market there can be found:
• Silicone breast implants - they are filled with silicone gel what gives more of a natural breast tissue feeling. If they ever leak, they will not collapse and maintain their shape. One can get those from the age of 22 and older.
• Saline breast implants - they are filled with sterile salt water. In comparison with the silicone ones, they will collapse upone breakage and then the saline will be absorbed and later expelled by the body. The age limit is lower though - one needs to be 18 to get them.
• Form - stable breast implants or gummy bear implants - they contain a firmer type of silicone gel so they are thicker and firmer. For this reason they require a longer incision in the skin.
• Textured breast implants that develop scar tissue which sticks to the implant what makes them less likey to move around.
• Smooth breast implants which are designed to give the most natural kind of movement.
How are the implants inserted into the breast pocket?
Of course some incisions have to be made to insert the implant into the breast pocket. Luckily, they are discreetely done in inconspicuous places to minimize visible scarring; they can be made:
• along the areolar edge
• along the fold under the breasts
• in the armpit.
Further on, there are two methods to place the implant into the pocket: the implant can be located either under the pectoral muscles or directly behind the breast tissue, above the pectoral muscles. The technique depends on the type of the implant, the patient’s aesthetic goals as well as one’s body type.
What are the potential side effects of the surgery?
As getting breast implants is a surgical intervention, it does entail some potential consequences among which these can be found:
• bleeding
• inflection
• poor scarring
• changes in nipple or breast sensation/tingling
• hematoma
• fluid accumulation
• wrinkling of the skin of the breast area
• pain
• scar tissue formation around the implant
• implant leakage or rupture.
Most often, they do not happen though.
What needs to be done before the procedure?
Naturally, one needs to discuss their expectations with the plastic surgeon. Moreover, some other measures have to be taken:
• A doctor needs to measure all the necessary parameters of the breasts; for this reason photographs will also be taken.
• A blood test should be run soon before the surgery to ensure one’s good health condition and a sufficient amount of clotting factors.
• Speaking about blood clotting, no blood - thinning medicine like ibuprofen or aspirin can be taken for at least 2 weeks before the procedure - it increases the risk of dangerous bleeding.
• A patient cannot be pregnant or breastfeeding.
How to take care of the implants post surgery?
Right after getting breast implants, the breasts will be wrapped in gauze dressings and a bandage/support bra to minimize swelling and to support the healing of the tissue. More personalized recovery details should be discussed with a professional as there is a great variety of techniques and types of the procedure.
The main point: is it worth it?
Honestly, it really depends on how much it is important to you to have the surgery, no matter your reasons. The procedure isn’t very burdening so as long as it is going to improve your comfort of life and you stay realistic of your expecations, everything should be fine.