Top 12 Strange Phobias
The environmental and genetic factors can lead to anxiety disorders. If extreme stress and anxiety are not handled properly, they may turn into a phobia. The children are most vulnerable to the ill effects of this mental disorientation. The frightening experiences in childhood or a phobic condition in a close relative pose a big risk to the children.
Let’s Have a Look at the Top 12 Strange Phobias:
● Syngenesophobia - Fear Of Relatives
The people with Syngenesophobia have an acute fear of their relatives. They feel embarrassed around their near and dear ones. This phobia grows stronger in them if they stop feeling attached to their family. To alleviate the fears it is suggested to start developing a deep bond with your loved ones.
● Neophobia - Fear Of New Things
A Neophobic person is scared of new things or experiences. He does not like any change around him. Neophobia takes all the happiness away as people refuse to accept many life-enhancing changes. Many research works show that it can also shorten life expectancy.
● Claustrophobia - Fear Of Confined Spaces
Claustrophobia causes fear of tight and closed spaces in people. The people with claustrophobic conditions get panic attacks in lifts, basements, hotel rooms, etc. The anxiety of being locked down makes them uneasy all the time.
● Anemophobia - Fear of Wind
People with this condition tend to be under intense stress outdoors or near open windows. They are afraid of even going under the hairdryer or air conditioner vents. The subconscious mind of the affected people triggers this horror.
● Spectrophobia - Fear Of Mirrors
Spectrophobia is a fear of one’s own reflection in a mirror. The fear is the result of low self-esteem in people. They tend to hate their own look in the mirrors. A traumatic experience of the past involving mirrors can be one of the reasons for spectrophobia.
● Ablutophobia - Fear Of Bathing
A very rare phobia mostly found in children. The child develops an intense irritation from bathing or cleaning. An unfortunate incidence of the past involving water can evoke this phobia.
● Chorophobia - Fear Of Dancing
Chorophobia is a fear of dancing or being around people who love to dance. The fear gets intensified in the affected people when they are in crowds.
● Homophobia - Fear Of Homosexual People
People with homophobia develop a strong dislike for homosexual people. They have a preconceived opinion and their anxiety level reaches the roof when they are around homosexual people.
● Arachibutyrophobia - Fear Of Peanut Butter Sticking In Mouth
The exceptionally difficult to pronounce phobia is very rare. It is actually the fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of the mouth. The phobia increases heartbeats and shortens the breaths even over a thought of it.
● Geliophobia - Fear Of Laughter
Laughter is considered the best remedy for all diseases. However, a Geliophobic person experiences overwhelming anxiety and stress on laughing or seeing people laugh.
● Didaskaleinophobia - Fear of Going To School
It is commonly known as “school phobia”. The fear is prevalent in school going children (ages 6 to 11). The fear is the result of bullying or anxiety triggered by being separated from parents.
● Arithmomania - 12345678910 - Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder For Counting
This inexplicable mania is the result of an Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. The person with Arithmomania is under a constant urge of counting things or persons around him. The counting usually goes like 12345678910 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10). The troubled person always worries about missing the count.
A phobic condition is a mental disorder. Any kind of phobia can be controlled by providing a healthy environment to the sufferer. It is also believed that counting numbers like 12345678910 (1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10) can actually help you alleviate anxiety, stress, and fear. The counting process shifts your focus to more pacifying thoughts.