US Celebs With Breast Implants | DietZones
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US Celebs With Breast Implants

One of the most frequent cosmetic procedures amongst Hollywood stars is the all-time popular breast enhancement with breast implants. Even though this isn’t a taboo topic anymore, some celebs tend to avoid sharing such information with the public. At the same time, many celebrities have no problem sharing their opinion and experience about boob jobs, no matter if everything tuned out to be ok or not. Let’s see up next famous US celebs with breast implants, and how they feel about breast augmentation.


#1 Heather Morris

The Glee star Heather Morris openly admitted she had a breast enhancement procedure. Still, after some time, she revealed in an interview that she opted for removing the breast implants. Morris told her interviewer that the main reason why she removed her implants was the fact that it was somewhat difficult to remain active. She experienced several side effects related to breast implants, such as chest pain. Thus, because it hurt a lot, Heather Morris considered that breast implants are not worth it. 


#2 Kourtney Kardashian

The superstar Kardashian, Kourtney got a boob job at an early age, when she was still in college. Today, she believes it wasn’t such a great idea. In a recent interview, she said that her breast implants don’t feel natural, as, in most situations, she feels like there is something strange inside her body. Kourtney believes that if she would’ve done more research on this topic, she most likely wouldn’t have done any breast enhancement procedures.



#3 Iggy Azalea

On the other hand, we have American celebrities that adore their boob jobs. Iggy recently got herself a breast augmentation, while she admits she feels confident about her new appearance. She never felt like this was an unnatural approach for her body.


#4 Naya Rivera

Naya Rivera is another US celebrity that had breast implants and enjoyed them. She consistently affirms in her interviews that this was the best decision she ever made, as it boosted her confidence and made her feel sexier. After more than ten years with breast implants, she still believes that this was the best investment she ever made.


#5 Kaley Cuoco

The star from Bing Bang Theory, Kaley Cuoco, got breast implants as soon as she turned 18. And she is too one of the US celebs that believes this was the best thing she ever did for herself. After all, Cuoco says, beast enhancement is all about bettering your appearance and feeling great in your skin.



#6 Cardi B

Cardi B was so open about the cosmetic procedures that she said in several interviews she is not ashamed by either her breast implants or her but enhancement injections. She believes that this was a great decision, and she will do it again if necessary.


#7 Heidi Montag

The star from The Hills got breast implants, as she truly desired to become an F-cup. But soon after she completed her breast enhancement surgery, she discovered that this was a rather painful experience. He told a reporter that she had severe back pain and numbness in her arms. This is the main reason why the star went through another breast surgery, to get a less painful C-cup.

#8 Kate Hudson

Kate Hudson was entirely private about her breast enlargement procedure, but she is clearly satisfied with her new breasts. Although Hudson did one of the most subtle breast augmentation proceduresUS Celebs, which is why it is quite impossible to tell whether or not she has breast implants. 


#9 Kelly Rowland

Kelly Rowland is a celebrity that admitted she had breast augmentation back in 2007. She stated that this is what she always wanted and that she is quite pleased with her new and improved appearance. 


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