What You Need To Know About Derma Rolling Acne At Home | DietZones
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What You Need To Know About Derma Rolling Acne At Home

Recently, derma rolling for acne became a popular trend, especially amongst young people. Still, many people cringe at the idea of tiny needles puncturing your skin. Specialists believe that a derma roller can provide numerous skin health benefits if it is done correctly. So, if you want to fade acne scars, increase your collagen production, and restore the youthful look of your skin, this article is for you! Read on to find out all you need to know about derma rolling at home.

derma rolling

What is derma rolling?

Derma rolling refers to using a derma roller as a skincare device. One end of this device consists of a handle, while the other is designed with several small and fine needles. Overall, this device is recommended for skin rejuvenation and dealing with skin imperfections. The core principle behind derma rolling is that the skin gets punctured, and as a result, it reacts with an increased blood flood to that zone. As a result, the regenerative skin processes are started, while collagen production is increased. Some studies suggest that derma rolling can benefit mature skin types, as it boosts elasticity. But the common belief is that the best ally for acne scars remains derma rolling. 

What are the different needle sizes?

There are several dermal rollers on the market, all of which coming with distinct needle sizes. The most popular ones are:

- 0.25mm-0.5mm meant to offer anti-aging results

- 1mm meant for mild acne and scarring

- 1.5mm meant for deep acne scars

derma rolling

How to use a derma roller at home

The first thing you need to do when it comes to treating acne at home with a derma roller is to follow these steps:

- Take the derma roller from its pouch

- Spray it with alcohol or any other product meant to sanitize skin care devices

- Apply an antiseptic or saline wash on your skin

- Clean your skin with saline after it has reddened

- Sterilize the derma roller after you finish the procedure

- Allow the device to dry before storing it in its pouch

Keep in mind that when you use the derma roller on your skin, you should always treat five sections of the face in turn. You should never pull your skin from all directions at the same time. The sections are:

- top right of forehead and cheek

- top left of forehead and cheek

- right under the eye and lower cheek

- left under eye and lower cheek

- around the mouth

Keep in mind that it is highly recommended to apply a moisturizer or serum after you finish the derma rolling procedure. Also, if you have clod-clotting problems, you should never use this device. Besides, if you suffer from eczema, sunburn, or cold sores, derma rollers are not recommended for your skin. Specialists say that you should never use a derma roller on moles, skin inflammation, or pustular rosacea. 

derma rolling

How to boost the effects of derma rolling for acne

There are some tips and tricks you can use so that derma rolling at home gets you the best results. Some of the tips include:

- take vitamin A and C supplements for at least a month before using the derma roller

- apply ice packs on your skin if after derma rolling you feel pain

- always use a moisturizer or a serum after you’re done with derma rolling

- add in your skincare routine a sunscreen, so that you avoid additional damage to your sensitive skin

- never use a derma roller more than three times per week

- never use the derma roller on the area around your eyes

- never use the derma roller on areas infected by acne

- never share the derma roller with another individual

derma rolling

The benefits of derma rolling

As mentioned above, a derma roller can improve your skin’s appearance, can lessen scars, and can provide a youthful look. Still, there are several other benefits, such as:

- it can stimulate collagen and elastin production, which in turn heals scars, diminishes wrinkles, and prevents sun damage

- it can be an ally for those suffering from hyper-pigmentation. A derma roller can normalize pigment cells, peel the skin, and boost the water absorption and nutrient intake from your moisturizer

- it can help you manage rosacea by thickening the epidermis. Still, if you’re suffering from pustular rosacea, you should ask your medical practitioner about using a derma roller.

The downside

- it can lead to skin irritation if you do not perform the procedure correctly. Applying too much pressure can lead to bleeding or increased skin sensitivity.

- Even though it can help you treat acne, if you use a derma roller on an infected area by acnederma rolling, it can spread the bacteria and worsen your condition. 

Author: Editor

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