Vitamin D Deficiency Can Lead To Bigger Consequences | DietZones
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Vitamin D

Vitamin D Deficiency Can Lead To Bigger Consequences

Vitamin D is needed by a body for various functions and absorption of calcium is a crucial one. Calcium being the building block of bones is essential for bone health and vitamin D absorbs calcium from the food we eat for bone health. Vitamin D also has role-playing in our nervous, immune, and muscle systems. This vitamin is not generated inside the body. So, we have to rely on an outside source for these nutrients.

Vitamin D can be absorbed in the body either by the skin, diet Vitamin D supplements. Through Sun exposure our body can form vitamin D naturally within. But at the same time overexposure to the sun can lead to skin cancer, skin aging, or wrinkling.

An Adequate Amount of Vitamin D

The need for vitamin D depends upon age. It ranges from 400 IU for a newborn child to 600 for pregnant and breastfeeding women.

But in case a person is facing a deficiency of Vitamin D, vitamin D supplements are a resort.

Vitamin D

Risk Factors for Vitamin D Deficiency

Vitamin D deficiency is very common worldwide. Some common risk factors for vitamin D deficiency are:

- Overuse of sunscreen while going out

- Dark skin complexion

- Age factor

- Obesity or overweight

- Inadequate amount of fish or dairy products consumption

- Negligible or no exposure to sunlight

What are the Effects of Vitamin D Deficiency?

People residing in the area near the equator are exposed to sunlight and are less likely to face vitamin D deficiency. In people with vitamin D deficiency, symptoms are not very apparent. One can recognize them realizing the negative impact of the deficiency on the quality of your life. Some common effects of vitamin D deficiency are.’

1) Poor Bone Health

Vitamin D is very important for bone health as it helps in calcium absorption. The deficiency of vitamin D in the blood leads to bone pain and lower back pain.

2) Tiredness and Lack of Energy

Fatigues and tiredness are results of vitamin D deficiency in the body.

3) Getting Infected or Falling Sick Frequently

Vitamin D plays a very crucial role in boosting the immune system which helps virus and bacteria attack causing illness, at bay.

Vitamin D content directly interacts with the hormones responsible for fighting infections. When a person often fell sick or catches a cold and flu regularly, low vitamin D levels may be the reason for illness.

Vitamin D

There is a connection between vitamin D deficiency and respiratory tract infections which leads to health issues like cold, bronchitis, and pneumonia.

Taking Vitamin D supplements reduces the risk of respiratory tract infection.

4) Depression

Depression is also a sign of vitamin D deficiency, especially in older adults.

Taking Vitamin D supplements helps improve the mood and the depression condition in the patients.

5) Delay in Wound Healing

Vitamin D deficiency slows down the wound healing duration. Vitamin D nutrient is known to control inflammation and fight infection which is crucial for proper wound healing.

In the people with a higher deficiency of Vitamin D, there is a delay in wound healing following the urgery, injury, or infection.

6) Hair Fall Issue

Vitamin D deficiency is associated with stress which is one of the root causes of hair fall. In the conditions like alopecia areata (autoimmune diseases characterized by severe hair fall from the head and other parts of the body) are associated with rickets.

Vitamin D

Rickets is a disease caused by vitamin D deficiency and leads to soft bones in children.

In other words, hair fall is the sign of vitamin D deficiency in female pattern hair loss or an autoimmune condition known as alopecia areata.

7) Loss of Bone Density

Vitamin D plays a very important role in calcium absorption and bone metabolism. Low bone mineral density is the indicator of vitamin D deficiency in the body which implies that your bones have lost calcium and other minerals. This increases the risk of fractures.

Adequate vitamin D intake and maintaining blood levels within the optimal range help protect bone mass and reduces fracture risk.

The Bottom Line

Being one of the most prevalent health concerns, most of the people are unaware of their vitamin D deficiency until tests are conducted on them. But very fortunately, vitamin D deficiency can be fixed easily either by sun exposure, consuming vitamin D enriched food such as fatty fish or dairy products or consuming a variety of Vitamin D supplements available in the physical as well as online stores.

Don't delay in fixing the deficiency as it leads to various serious health issues.

Haven't you heardVitamin D, "preventions are always better than the cure"?

Author: Sunita

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