What Is The One One One Diet All About? | DietZones
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What Is The One One One Diet All About?

What Is The One One One Diet All About?

You are probably not the only one feeling frustrated with the various diets available on social media, TV and everywhere you look. Besides that, the struggle of staying attentive to any food before eating it, calculating its calories, or re-evaluating whether your diet allows it or not can be exhausting. In fact, it may even take away your appetite over time.

This is the common struggle we have, on top of being too busy to do any meal-preparation during the week when we barely have time for ourselves to even rest.

Isn’t there a solution to lose weight and eat healthy without overthinking every meal? The answer to this question is the one one one diet.

What is the One One One Diet?

Created by a mum who knows the struggle of never having enough time, and at the same time a nutritionist who masters the art of healthy food while also being eating strategist, the One One One diet succeeded to help more people change their lifestyle and bad eating habits, and transform them into healthier ones through the best-selling book: The One One One Diet: The Simple 1:1:1 Formula for Fast and Sustained Weight Loss, by Rania Batayneh.

This unique diet is based on a simple principle that does not require much thinking nor heavy calculations before every meal, that is of ensuring you get one serving of carbohydrates, one serving of protein, and one serving of fat in each main meal you have. Now you also understood where the name ‘one one one’ is inspired from!

The goal behind the one one one diet is creating a simple eating plan that can fit into our busy life. Therefore, it is not only easy to start applying but it is also easier to maintain.

Moreover, since many people may make the mistake of neglecting some nutrients their body needs when following a strict diet, the one one one diet comes as an effective solution to make sure your nutrients and vitamins intake is balanced daily.

Thus, the one one one diet allows you to supply your body with meals of high nutritional value throughout the day. At the same time, you will not be feeling deprived of any specific type of food, since this unique diet includes it all. The only condition it brings is staying within one portion of each kind.

What Foods Can I Include in the One One One Diet?

The One One One diet is one of the simplest you can adopt, especially that it allows you to enjoy different meals without getting bored.

The foods you can include in your diet are:

- One serving of protein: It can be found in chicken, fish, and eggs.

- One serving of fats: You can get it from cheese or avocado, for instance.

- One serving of carbohydrates: You can get it from quinoa, whole bread, potatoes, and some fruits.

As for vegetables, the one one one diet puts no restriction on it. Therefore, you can have as much as you want and have fun cooking it using different methods from stir-frying to steaming or grilling. It is all up to you!

Is the One One One Diet Ideal for Everyone?

Even though the One One One diet is versatile and includes all types of food, we cannot label it as the best solution for everyone. After all, we all have different bodies, different toleration levels to some ingredients, and different habits. This is why it is important to get educated on each diet, then taking the time to test it before judging its effectiveness.

The One One One diet allowed many people to lose weight and get healthier. However, this does not allow us to say it is the best diet out there and that everyone should try it. This merely depends on your type of body structure and can also be related to any chronic diseases or conditions you might be coping with.

So, as a final tip, do all the research you needWhat Is The One One One Diet All About?, and avoid jumping into generalized conclusions of what to call a ‘good diet’ or a ‘bad diet’.

Author: Editor

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